Winter In America / Holiday Blend



Country: Nicaragua & Guatemala

Farmer: Luís Joaquín Lovo / Irma Pacheco

Mill/Washing Station: Las Segovias / Keller's

Region: Dipilto & Mataquescuintla

Varietals: Caturra, Pache San Ramón

Elevation: 1500-1800 m

Process: washed

Tasting Notes: cocoa, dates

The name comes from Gil Scott Heron's song and album of the same name. The song isn't celebratory: "People know that something's wrong..."

But it's the holidays and you can give coffee however you like.

This year's blend is a mix of washed coffees from Luis Joaquin Lovo in Nicaragua and Irma Pacheco of Mataquescuintla. Big milk chocolate and more subtle dried fruit and almonds.